Privacy is not a human right?

Many of us are active on social media, including Instagram and Twitter. We follow our friends’ profiles, various interesting websites and celebrities. We want to know what’s going on around the world and how our favourite actors and singers are doing; what’s happening in theory lives and what did they wear for the last gala.

Not all of the celebrities want to share that information with their fans, whereas some share every detail of their personal lives through Instagram stories and posts.

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Photo by Pixabay on

Alec Baldwin was obtaining a marriage licence with Hilaria Thomas; it was supposed to be a happy day filled with joy and happiness. However when they left the building, they spotted Marcus Santos of The New York Daily News photographing the newlyweds. Baldwin got so upset he pushed and punched the paparazzi. Which was photographed by another photographer Jefferson Siegel and so Santos filed a report against Baldwin.

Another example where someone invaded on privacy of other famous star was in 2016, when Adele’s private photographs were shares on social media. Someone has hacked her images (through her boyfriend’s email) and shares them with the wider public. The photos were not only showing Adele herself, but also her family, her pregnancy process and even went as far as to publish the ultrasound photos of the baby.

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Photo by Scott Webb on

There is much more examples of these situations, some even worse. So my question to you is, how do you see celebrities and their rights to privacy? Do they sign an invisible contract to obtain their human rights as they choose that career path for themselves? Or do we have the right to know what happens in their lives only because we see them on big screens and hear their voices over the radio? Shouldn’t we let them decide for themselves what should and shouldn’t be published for the publics?

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